Well I actually finished my book last week-ish so this post is sort of tardy, but at least its here. Here is my final verdict: A Thousand Splendid Suns is an amazing story, it is wonderfully written, and I recommend that everybody read it. I put a picture of the book up so you know exactly what to look for when you stop into the book retailer of your choice.
Warning: You may not want to read this next bit because I will give away the ending. That, of course, is only if you decide to read this book.
Basically, Laila and Tariq escape Kabul together with the two children and live in Pakistan for a while. They learn that the Taliban have been pushed out of Kabul, and women have rights again, and everything is being rebuilt. Laila feels that it is her duty to her parents, her brothers, and herself to return and do some good. So she and Tariq pack up the children and they return to Kabul. Laila makes a difference by helping rebuild the orphanage that Aziza stayed in, as well as converting it into a school, where she teaches as well.
I think that this ending was appropriate, because it was a nice change from all of the tragedy that unfolded throughout the pages. It is nice to assume, at least, that Laila and Tariq will be happy, and they can finally live in peace.
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