Sunday, November 18, 2007


Getting back into the blogging two times a week shouldn't be so hard for me, considering I'm on the computer so much, but for some reason only think about it at school where I have no computer access..

This can be my post about anything, I'll do my outside reading post after my Euro IDs. Friday was a good English class for a few reasons:
  1. Ms. West is back! No more Layzell to tell our class how bad we are, and then give us fabulous sub reports. ha.
  2. We got work time on our research papers (bad) so I don't have as much homework (good)
  3. I was reminded that I had to blog
Today I was at an art fair selling my photography, and I brought my outside reading book, Water For Elephants, but I forgot that it was in my bag, so for three hours, I sat behind my booth and made only $42. Not much was accomplished. Bummerrrr

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