Sunday, October 14, 2007

The aftermath...

Homecoming was last night and I am dead tired. I've been sitting around the house all day and figured I should try and accomplish something today. Extra credit anyone?

Here are two paragraphs from my 400 Blows review.

"The most unique trait of film is the cinematic. These aspects bring you inside a character’s life, and it is essential that they be excellent for a film to be successful. In my opinion, The 400 Blows did accomplish this difficult task. The unique camera angles and shots made the movie interesting, and the music fit the mood perfectly. My personal favorite shot was from above, when the boys were running through the city in gym class, and in groups of two or three, they split off from the group. This comical scene was not only entertaining but original. The music matched every mood the film brought out. One clear example of this was the scene where Antoine’s family went out to the movies, and had a wonderful time. The music in this scene was upbeat and lively, helping the actors portray their happiness.

In comparing Black Boy and The 400 Blows, I found similarities and differences between the two protagonists, Richard and Antoine. Both boys were family outcasts, not accepted by their own kin, Richard mainly for his lack of religion, and Antoine for his rebellious nature. Each boy searched for a better way to live his life and escape disapproving parents, grandparents, and siblings. Antoine fled his woes by escaping from the observation center, and Richard ran from his troubles by escaping to the north with his Aunt Maggie. Another similarity between the two stories is the more obvious characteristic, that both Black Boy and The 400 Blows are memoirs."

So there you go. I guess its a win-win situation. You get to read my paper, and I get extra credit. :]

1 comment:

Molly said...

Haha lovely paper David! I liked it. My favorite part was the very beginning:

"The most unique trait of film is the cinematic. These aspects bring you inside a character’s life, and it is essential that they be excellent for a film to be successful."

Very insightful! And I liked your comparisons of the book and the film... you thought of relationships between Richard and Antoine that I didn't.

Now put up those HC pics! ;]

~ molls